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Exodia and blue eyes:

Beat shimon 4 times and kiba pick da oblesk statue and quickly press xxby.

Beat granpa and push x on obelisk then push a.
Sent in by: saber_abe

Alternate Backgrounds  -  In the main menu highlight single or triple duel and press X. The background will change to an unlocked card.

Use Opponent's Decks  -  Beat every opponent in triple duel mode and hold X at the opponent selection screen in single duel mode.

Easy Magic And Trap Cards  -  To get easy magic and trap cards, unlock the Rare Hunter in triple duels. Then, just keep defeating him until you get the cards that you need. He has all the best magic and trap cards required for a deck. He three sets of Exodia and multiple
limited cards such as Pot Of Greed.

Getting Higher In Triple Dueling  -  Getting to the next level is quite easy. If the order is easy, medium, hard, it could be a challenge. However, by putting them in hard, medium, easy order you can save your life points for an easy person. You should be able to complete it.

Rare Cards  -  When you put in a new name such as GOD OF CARDS, you will get a rare card such as Tri-Horn Dragon. If you enter KONAMI as a game, you will get Cosmo Queen. When you put XBOX as a game, you will get Zera the Mant.

Use other decks - Unlock all tiers in triple duel mode. Then, hold X at the opponent selection screen in single duel mode to bring up a a deck selection screen. You may now choose anyone's deck. This allows to you see what is in the other character's decks and use them against an opponent in single duel mode. Also when at the single duel screen, hold X. In order for this to work you must unlock all tiers and view the credits at least once.

Easy win - Get the magic card that stops all trap cards and set it down face up. Then when you attack, there are not any trap holes. This is very useful against Grandpa, because he mostly has trap hole.

Easy surrender - If you are tired of waiting for the match to end when you know that you are going to get defeated, select your deck, and click "Surrender" instead of doing the hard reset or in-game reset.

Getting characters - To get your desired characters for single dueling, you must put them last and defeat the team.

Getting good cards - Kaiba, Yugi, Yami Yugi, and the Rare Hunter will give you good cards when you defeat them in single duel mode. You can also get cards from their graveyard if you choose the correct statue.

Getting opponent's cards - In the game after you win in a duel, choosing the statue of Slifer will give you cards from your opponent's deck.

Japanese cards - The game has the characters playing Japanese cards that have not been released in the United States and possibly other countries as well. For example, when playing Joey, he suddenly plays Polymerization to make Meteor B. Dragon, a Japanese card. Another is Ishizu. Ishizu's favorite card, the monster in the background just before you duel, is also a Japanese card.

Recommended cards - The best cards in the game are Blue Eyes, Exodia, and power ups.

God cards - There are no Egyptian cards in this game . Konami have said that they were not included because the cards are not tournament legal.

Cyber Jar - When your opponent has Cyber Jar set (face down defense) and you attack with Zymbra The Dark, Cyber Jar will activate and "Dark Hole" all monsters on the field. The monster card that is summon to the space where Zymbra The Dark was will have its attack decreased.

Prevent Summoning Exodia - Use this trick when you face Grandpa or Rare Hunter, as they are the only ones that have Exodia the Forbidden One. Jack most of your deck with cards that make your opponent discard cards from their deck and/or hand. Most of the time against Grandpa this trick will work. However, against Rare Hunter it is a challenge because he has three sets of Exodia compared to Gramp's single set. Alternately, discard the head to the Graveyard; as it is the part of Exodia that allows the automatic victory.

Creating non-cheated Exodia deck - Make sure to have 3x Jar of Greed, one Grateful Charity, one Pot of Greed, and/or anything that will increase the chance of drawing cards. Make sure to include one Painful Choice, and 3x Backup Soldiers. Only activate Painful Choice when you have Exodia's head in your hand to ensure a 100% victory rate. When Painful Choice is activated (allows you to pick up five cards from deck) pick up any Exodia cards that are not already in your hand. Your opponent will then pick the one card you will add to your hand and the rest of the four cards are discarded to the graveyard. On your next turn, activate Backup Soldiers to bring back all of the Exodia pieces that were discarded to the grave with Painful Choice. After you get back all of the pieces, you are declared the winner for having all five pieces of Exodia.

Defeating Arkana - He will take out his version of Dark Magician about the fourth or fifth turn. Get rid of his monsters as quickly as possible.

Defeating Bakura - He uses two powerful effect monsters, but usually plays Maha Vailo and equips it with a lot of cards such as Black Pendant and Mage Power. The other one he uses rarely if you destroy Maha Vailo is Muka Muka with Gravity Bind. Use Man-Eater Bug on both of them because Muka Muka increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points for each card in Bakura's hand, and Bakura usually has about five or six cards in his hand.

Defeating Bandit Keith - When you start to get the upper hand he will begin to threaten you. He has some strong Machine type monsters, but nothing that you cannot handle. Just use some powerful monsters to wipe him out.

Defeating Duel Machine 1 - He will not sacrifice for any monsters but he will use a few Trap Holes.

Defeating Duel Machine 2 - It is slightly more difficult than Duel Machine 1. Just get rid of its Magic and Trap cards and it will be easy.

Defeating Duel Machine 3 - It is twice as difficult as both Duel Machine 1 and 2 combined. Destroy all of its Magic and Trap cards. It will get somewhat powerful cards on the field, but you have to watch out for a Trap Hole.

Defeating Espa Roba - He will get Jinzo out eventually. In the meantime, just use some monsters to wipe out his monsters.

Defeating Grandpa - He will try to get Exodia the Forbidden One. While he is at that, you should worry about another problem that he has in his Deck. Grandpa has a Blue Eyes as well. Just use Man Eater Bug on the Dragon and worry about Exodia for the rest of the Duel.

Defeating Ishizu - She is intimidating, but not threatening. She uses an average amount of monsters, traps and effects. There not much to be worried about her.

Defeating Joey - He will use Time Wizard mostly to win the Duel. Most of the time it does not work. Joey does not like to use Magic or Trap cards, unless he is in a tight spot.

Defeating Kaiba - He will not use Blue Eyes until the end of the Duel because his personality is to taunt his opponent. Just use a group of powerful cards and take out his monsters. Eventually you will take out his Life Points.

Defeating Lumis and Umbra - They will kill you with Mask cards. They can get The Masked Beast onto the field, but you can use a Man Eater Bug to destroy it. When The Masked Beast is gone, you will have a pretty good time wiping out their Life Points.

Defeating Mai - She will use A Rising Current or whatever that Field Magic card is called. She uses a Wind Deck; be careful when she has a Harpie Lady on the field. Try to destroy the Field card as soon as possible.

Defeating Mako - Mako will use Umi to power up his Water monsters. He will also summon his most powerful card, The Legendary Fisherman. Use your Cosmo Queen to take him out.

Defeating Marik - Marik uses a lot of Dark Holes and Mystical Space Typhoons to win. Use Magic Jammer. The same goes for Yami Marik.

Defeating Odion - Odion is tougher than you think. He uses monsters, but still has a lot of Traps and Magic Cards to hit on you. Use Royal Decree and Harpie's Feather Duster and the rest is easy.

Defeating Pegasus - He wants to bring out Thousand Eyes Restrict, which is the fusion of Relinquished and Thousand Eyes Idol. Thousand Eyes Restrict's effect is that no monster can attack except Thousand Eyes Restrict itself, and absorb one monster on your side of the field. He also uses the Toon monsters as well to attack your Life Points. The only way to win is to destroy Toon World with a Magic Jammer or Harpie's Feather Duster. As for Thousand Eyes Restrict, use a Man-Eater Bug, but careful. Pegasus has two Relinquished so he can still use that instead of Thousand Eyes Restrict.

Defeating Rare Hunter - Try to get rid of his Life Points as soon as possible. He will bring out Exodia quickly with all of his Pots and Jars Of Greed, not to mention Graceful Charity. Also, use a group of discard cards to get rid of the pieces of Exodia. Be careful as you will never know when he will get the last piece. Additionally, he is the most difficult opponent to defeat, as he runs a cheated deck that does follow the game's restriction rules. Rare Hunter has three Graceful Charities, three Pot of Greeds, and has three sets of Exodia pieces. The only way to defeat him is by luck.

Defeating Rex Raptor - He will fusion summon any Dinosaur monster. Use Magic Jammer or something else to wipe out his monsters.

Defeating Shadi - He will help you win. This is the easiest opponent of them all. Summon some of your strongest monsters before he plays Chain Energy and you will not lose a single Life Point. He will summon monsters and cards until his Life Points reach zero.

Defeating Shimon - He is not that experienced and uses weak monsters. Use a 1900 Attack monster to win.

Defeating Strings - Do not worryl he does not have Slipher in his Deck. However he will try to get some powerful monsters on the field.

Defeating Tea - Hust sit back and destroy the fairies.

Defeating Tristan - The only problem you may have with Tristan is his Goblin Attack Force. It will destroy any monster you have on the field, unless it is Gaia the Fierce Knight or something that has a higher ATK power than that.

Defeating Weevil - He will try to get Perfect Great Moth on the field, but it will mostly not work because he will put Larva Moth or Petite Moth on the field face down. Take out his monsters and squish his Life Points.

Defeating Yami Bakura - He will not summon his strongest card for some reason, which is Dark Necrofear. Even though he has two monsters face down, he still will not summon it. This is a good thing because there are very few monsters that can defeat it. Destroy his monsters and near the sixth or seventh turn he will stop summoning monsters. However, he will use Destiny Board on you.

Defeating Yami Yugi - If you destroy Dark Magician or Summoned Skull, he will bring it back with Monster Reborn. Have lots of Magic Jammers or use Invader Of The Throne to take control of the monster.

Defeating Yugi - Yugi likes to bring out either Summoned Skull or Dark Magician. Set some Trap Holes or have an Invader Of The Throne on the field to control one of Yugi's monsters to prevent the summon.

Getting characters in single duel mode - To get people in single duel mode, put them in last in triple duel mode then defeat them.

Unlocking characters in single duel mode

Shimon: Defeat level 1 in Triple Duel.
Grandpa: Defeat level 1 in Triple Duel twice.
Yugi: Defeat level 6 or defeat level 1 in Triple Duel three times.
Tea: Defeat level 2 in Triple Duel.
Joey: Defeat level 10 or defeat level 2 in Triple Duel twice.
Tristan: Defeat level 2 in Triple Duel three times.
Bakura: Defeat level 3 in Triple Duel three times.
Shadi: Defeat level 3 in Triple Duel.
Yami Yugi: Defeat level 14, level 12 or level 3 in Triple Duel twice.
Weevil: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel twice.
Rex Raptor: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel.
Mako: Defeat level 4 in Triple Duel three times.
Bonz: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel twice.
Bandit Keith: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel three times.
Pegasus: Defeat level 5 in Triple Duel.
Mai: Defeat level 10 or level 6 in Triple Duel.
Kaiba: Defeat level 12 or level 6 in Triple Duel three times.
Rare Hunter: Defeat level 13 or level 7 in Triple Duel.
Arkana: Defeat level 7 twice in Triple Duel.
Strings: Defeat level 7 in Triple Duel three times.
Espa Roba: Defeat level 8 in Triple Duel twice.
Lumis and Umbra: Defeat level 8 in Triple Duel three times.
Marik: Defeat level 10 or level 8 in Triple Duel.
Ishizu: Defeat level 11 or level 9 in Triple Duel twice.
Odion: Defeat level 11 or level 9 in Triple Duel three times.
Yami Marik: Defeat level 14, level 12 or level 9 in Triple Duel.
Yami Bakura: Defeat level 14 or level 11 in Triple Duel.

Triple Duel opponents - The following is a lost of all the characters you will face in each of the levels in Triple Duel:

Level 1: Shimon, Grandpa, and Yugi
Level 2: Tea, Tristan, and Joey
Level 3: Bakura, Shadi, and Yami Yugi
Level 4: Weevil, Rex Raptor, and Mako
Level 5: Bonz, Bandit Keith, and Pegasus
Level 6: Mai, Yugi, and Kaiba
Level 7: Rare Hunter, Arkana, and Strings
Level 8: Espa Roba, Lumis, and Umbra, and Marik
Level 9: Ishizu, Odion, and Yami Marik
Level 10: Mai, Joey, and Marik
Level 11: Ishizu, Odion, and Yami Bakura
Level 12: Yami Marik, Kaiba, and Yami Yugi
Level 13: 3 Rare Hunters
Level 14: The Yamis of Marik, Bakura, and Yugi
Level 15: Kaiba's Dueling Machines

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