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PS2: Cheats, Codes and Walkthroughs: Lego Star Wars
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Begging At Dexters  -  Dexter's Diner, where you select your stage/missions is a veritable loot heaven. Your characters never lose money if they die at Dexter's Diner, so each time you complete a stage, walk around the place with any Jedi character and force pull studs from all the objects around the hub level.

Character Codes  -  Enter the following codes in Dexter's Shop:

NR37W1 = Silly Blasters
L449HD = Classic Blasters
IG72X4 = Big Blasters
SHRUB1 = Brushes
PUCEAT = Tea Cups
LD116B = Minikit Detector
RP924W = Moustaches
YD77GC = Purple
MS999Q = Silhouettes
4PR28U = Invincible
987UYR = Battle Droid
EN11K5 = Battle Droid (Commander)
LK42U6 = Battle Droid (Geonosis)
KF999A = Battle Droid (Security)
LA811Y = Boba Fett
F8B4L6 = Clone
ER33JN = Clone (Episode III)
BHU72T = Clone (Episode III Pilot)
N3T6P8 = Clone (Episode III Swamp)
RS6E25 = Clone (Episode III Walker)
14PGMN = Count Dooku
H35TUX = Darth Maul
A32CAM = Darth Sidious
VR832U = Disguised Clone
DH382U = Droideka
SF321Y = General Grievous
19D7NB = Geonosian
ZTY392 = Grievous' Bodyguard
U63B2A = Gonk Droid
PL47NH = Jango Fett
DP55MV = Ki-Adi Hundi
CBR954 = Kit Fisto
A725X4 = Luminara
MS952L = Mace Windu (Episode III)
92UJ7D = Padme
R840JU = PK Droid
BEQ82H = Princess Leia
L54YUK = Rebel Trooper
PP43JX = Royal Guard
EUW862 = Shaak Ti
XZNR21 = Super Battle Droid

Codes for Dex's Diner
To enter these codes go to Dexter's Diner and go to the category "Codes"

Purple - YD77GC
Moustaches - RP924W
Silhouettes - MS999Q
Minikit detector - LD116B
Tea cups - PUCEAT
Brushes - SHRUB1
Big Blasters - IG72X4
Classic Blasters - L449HD
Silly Blasters - NR37W1
Princess Leia - BEQ82H
Rebel trooper - L54YUK
Invincibility - 4PR28U
Darth Sidious - A32CAM
Disquised Clone - VR832U
Mace Windu (Episode III) - MS952L
Clone (Episode III Walker) - RS6E25
Clone (Episode III Swamp) - N3T6P8
Clone (Episode III Pilot) - BHU72T
Clone (Episode III) - ER33JN
General Grievous - SF321Y
Grievous' Bodyguard - ZTY392
Count Dooku - 14PGMN
Shaak Ti - EUW862
Kit Fisto - CBR954
Ki-Adi Hundi - DP55MV
Luminara - A725X4
Bobba Fett - LA811Y
Jango Fett - PL47NH
Super Battle Droid - XZNR21
Battle Droid (Geonosis) - LK42U6
Geonosian - 19D7NB
Clone - F8B4L6
Padme - 92UJ7D
Royal Guard - PP43JX
Droideka - DH382U
Battle Droid (Commander) - EN11K5
Battle Droid - 987UYR
Battle Droid (Security) - KF999A
PK Droid - R840JU
Gonk Droid - U63B2A
Unlocks Darth Maul for Free Play - H35TUX
Unlocks Luminara Unduli for Free Play - A725X4

Cheese-Kill Anakin Skywalker  -  In stage 3-6, have a second player take control of the boss and force the character to jump over the lava pit. Just before Anakin Skywalker hits the lava, have the second player hit pause and drop out of the game, resulting in the AI taking a hit. Keep repeating the process and you can force an easy win. Pun intended.

Defeating Droidekas  -  Double jump them with X while in the air to take down its shield.

Disco dancing Kaminoans  -  Explore every room in the level "Discovery on Kamino." You will come upon a somewhat dark room with two or three Kaminoans in it, a blue stud behind a forcefield, a square on the floor made of several round spots, and what appear to be speakers on the wall. 1) Use the Force to transform the speakers into what look like record players. 2) Walk onto one of the round spots on the floor, and wait for the other character to move onto another spot (or have the second player move the other character onto it if you're not playing alone). Then you are together standing on two different spots, other spots will light up. 3) Each time more spots light up, walk onto one of the remaining pale spots, allowing time for your partner character to do the same. Eventually, all of the spots will be lit. When all of the spots are lit, disco lights will begin to flash, a funky rendition of the Star Wars theme will play, and the Kaminoans will begin to get down!

Infinite Studs  -  At the very beginning of the level "Darth Vader" you must run through a corridor crumbling into the lava. Its possible to pick up around 3000 studs before the end, however if you fall into the lava before going through the door , youll be taken back to the start, not lose any studs and all the studs you already picked up will regenerate. Its possible to make around 18,000 studs a minute by repeating this.

Keep health high  -  In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. For example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised clone and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. They will probably follow you, especially if you are a battle droid. Note: Note this does not work on Bosses, Sith, General Grevious.

Switch Hitting  -  Freeplay (or Free Mode) is best for exploring previously cleared stages for studs and minikit parts. A preset "cast" is selected for a particular stage or mission which allows a player to access all the doors previously missed in Story Mode. Use the L or R keys to cycle through the cast while playing on free mode.

Unlock Darth Maul  -  Enter H35TUX as a code to unlock Darth Maul for purchase.

Unlock Luminara  -  Enter A725X4 as a code to unlock Luminara for purchase.

Unlocking the "?" door  -  To unlock the "?" door found at the episode selection room, you must achieve True Jedi Status in all of the seventeen levels, 6 in Episode 1, 5 in Episode 2, and 6 in Episode 3. True Jedi Status is the black/golden bar that appears at the top of your screen during any episode level. The way to fill up this bar is by getting a certain amount of studs during that level (each lvl has a different required stud amount.) Once all levels have True Jedi Status, the "?" door will be unlocked.

Unlockable Characters from the ? Door  -  When you reach True Jedi Status in all 17 levels, the ? door opensin Dexter's Diner. Finish the mission for the following unlockables.

Codes for Dex's Diner  -  To enter these codes go to Dexter's Diner and go to the category "Codes"

Purple - YD77GC
Moustaches - RP924W
Silhouettes - MS999Q
Minikit detector - LD116B
Tea cups - PUCEAT
Brushes - SHRUB1
Big Blasters - IG72X4
Classic Blasters - L449HD
Silly Blasters - NR37W1
Princess Leia - BEQ82H
Rebel trooper - L54YUK
Invincibility - 4PR28U
Darth Sidious - A32CAM
Disquised Clone - VR832U
Mace Windu (Episode III) - MS952L
Clone (Episode III Walker) - RS6E25
Clone (Episode III Swamp) - N3T6P8
Clone (Episode III Pilot) - BHU72T
Clone (Episode III) - ER33JN
General Grievous - SF321Y
Grievous' Bodyguard - ZTY392
Count Dooku - 14PGMN
Shaak Ti - EUW862
Kit Fisto - CBR954
Ki-Adi Hundi - DP55MV
Luminara - A725X4
Bobba Fett - LA811Y
Jango Fett - PL47NH
Super Battle Droid - XZNR21
Battle Droid (Geonosis) - LK42U6
Geonosian - 19D7NB
Clone - F8B4L6
Padme - 92UJ7D
Royal Guard - PP43JX
Droideka - DH382U
Battle Droid (Commander) - EN11K5
Battle Droid - 987UYR
Battle Droid (Security) - KF999A
PK Droid - R840JU
Gonk Droid - U63B2A
Unlocks Darth Maul for Free Play - H35TUX
Unlocks Luminara Unduli for Free Play - A725X4

Darth Vader - Complete the mission behind the ? Door
Stormtrooper - Complete the mission behind the ? Door
Buy Princess Leia from Dexter - Complete the mission behind the ? Door
Buy Rebel Soldier from Dexter - Complete the mission behind the ? Door

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