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DS Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs - Mystical Ninja

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Note:-  This game is also known as - AKA Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu/ Goemon: Mystical Ninja

Goemon "History" Lesson  -  Before turning on the Power, insert Konami's recently released "Kessakusen! Ganbare Goemon 1+2" (Gameboy Advance) into the DS, along with the new "Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu Daiedo Tenguri" (DS). Now, at select locations throughout the game, various characters from the GBA game will appear! Speak to them for some interesting dialogue or perhaps even more...?!

Note that these NPCs will *ONLY* appear while you have the GBA Goemon 1+2 cartridge in the DS!

Space-Manbo Mini Game  -  Before turning on the Power, insert Konami's recently released "Kessakusen! Ganbare Goemon 1+2" (Gameboy Advance) into the DS, along with the new "Ganbare Goemon: Toukai Douchuu Daiedo Tenguri" (DS). Select the "Mini Game" option from the main menu, and you will now see "Space Mambo" avalible for selection. It's a bit like Konami's Gradius/Parodius series, but not...

Note that you MUST have the GBA cart inserted EACH TIME you want to play this game. Also note that the "????" selection in the Multiplayer Mini-Game option is NOT Space Manbo!

Goemon GBA Link-Up Bonus - Turn off your DS and put Kessakusen! Ganbare Goemon 1+2 for Game Boy Advance into the GBA slot and the DS Goemon game into the DS slot. Turn on your DS and start the DS Goemon game. The GBA game acts as a dongle that unlocks new characters: NPCs from the GBA titles appear throughout the DS adventure and Space Mambo: This sidescrolling shooter is accessible from the mini-game menu as long as the GBA cart is inserted.

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