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DS Cheat Codes and Walkthroughs - King Kong

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Note:-  This game is also known as - Peter Jackson’s King Kong / Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World

Easily killing Venatosauruses  -  If there are bushes where it is standing, use a fire spear or bone to burn it alive.

More effective spears and bones  -  Spears and bones are more effective when lit on fire.

Saving ammunition  -  When facing enemies on Skull Island, you should always try to save ammunition. Find bones, sticks, and spears, but do not throw them. Just get up close and press Fire.

T-Rex - Here is a easy way to beat a t-rex on this game. When you first start the level, there will be an intermission sequence showing the t-rex. then as kong you will fight. An easier way to beat it is two press the a and y button and keep hammering it. (you have unlimited health). Also when it tries to bite your neck press the x button as fast as you can to break loose. Keep doing this till it falls on the ground . When it falls press x real fast time break its jaw. Congrats, you just beat the t-rex

Also-you can just press the y button and run and press it again till it falls and then finish it.

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